After making his directorial debut with WhatsApp Love (2019), well-known music arranger Hemant Kumar Mahane has announced his second directorial venture, Kaali Maati.
The film is based on the life of horticulturist Dnyaneshwar Bodke, who took up organic farming and inspired others in his village to do the same.
The film stars Omrapakash Shinde as Bodke and traces the latter's journey from a struggling farmer to successful entrepreneur.
The film also throws light on how, while India remains a predominantly agrarian society, most farmers eke out only a hand-to-mouth existence, mainly because of issues like pesticide poisoning, crop destruction, acute poverty, and exploitation by middlemen and moneylenders.
Kaali Maati, which was shot entirely during the infamous countrywide pandemic-induced lockdown last year, has won several awards at various film festivals.
The film also features Aetashaa Sansgiri, Diksha Bhor, Bhagwan Pachore, Poonam Patil and PK Waghmare in key roles.
Along with direction, Mahale is making his foray into film production as well with Kaali Maati. The film has been produced by his newly formed production house, HMG Entertainment.
Correction, 14 July 2021: Kaali Maati is Hemant Kumar Mahale's second film as director and not his debut film as stated in an earlier version of this report.