NeeStream, a platform dedicated specifically to Malayalam content, has acquired the streaming rights to director Deepesh Thacholi's drama Swanam which won the Kerala State Film Award for Best Children's Film and Best Child Artist.
The film was premiered on the over-the-top platform on 12 July.
Swanam stars child artist Abhinand Accode as a visually challenged boy named Kannan, who motivates his lazy classmate Balu to work hard and succeed in life. Abhinand has also acted in the movie Udhaharanam Sujatha (2017) alongside Manju Warrier.
The film, which has been screened at over 28 international festivals, features Niranjan, Remya Raghavan, Kavitha Sree, Santosh Keezhatoor, Rajendran Thayatt and Vijay.
Produced by Remya Raghavan under the Tulsi Films banner, the film was written by Dr Vatsalan Vathussery.
Swanam, which was shot by Vivek, features music Hari Venugopal and lyrics by Jinesh Eram.