The film, which will have its world premiere on Amazon Prime on 22 July, stars Arya as a prizefighter who is fighting for the honour of his clan.
Sarpatta Parambarai trailer: Pa Ranjith film sees two glory-hungry families settle scores in boxing ring
Chennai - 13 Jul 2021 18:30 IST
Haricharan Pudipeddi
Pa Ranjith’s upcoming Tamil boxing drama Sarpatta Parambarai (2021), the explosive trailer of which was unveiled today, is the story of the fierce and ancient rivalry between two families who decide to settle scores inside the ring.
The trailer depicts the vibrant boxing culture of the erstwhile Madras in the 1990s. It is revealed in the clip that the locals were taught the sport by their British overlords for their own amusement and it was picked up by two families in North Madras. Eventually, one family came to rule the roost and it is up to the Sarpatta family to reclaim its honour.
Arya, who plays the protagonist, is the only one from the Sarpatta clan who can keep their legacy alive.
Ranjith took to Twitter to share the trailer on Tuesday.
நான் யாருன்னு எல்லாருக்கும் நிருபிக்கிற நேரம் இது- கபிலன்
— pa.ranjith (@beemji) July 13, 2021
Presenting the trailer of #SarpattaParambaraiONPrime 22 July @PrimeVideoIN @K9Studioz @officialneelam
Check out the trailer below and let us know if you are keen on watching the film.
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