Richa Chadha shared the first poster of her upcoming film Madam Chief Minister yesterday where she plays the titular role. The poster sees her character defiantly holding a broom, symbolizing the act of cleaning up society. The object also defines her character who is considered an ‘untouchable’.
Talking about the film, Chadha said in a statement, “This is the incredible story of an unlikely leader who defies all norms and societal expectations to became a chief minister like no other.”
Glad to present to you all, my new movie #MadamChiefMinister, a political drama about an 'untouchable' who hustles and makes it big in life! Out in cinemas on 22nd January! Stay tuned!
— TheRichaChadha (@RichaChadha) January 4, 2021
The actress feels it is rare for actors to receive such roles. “I’m extremely grateful I was entrusted with such a layered character. As actors, such amazing scripts are hard to come by. I have learnt a lot about Indian society and politics via this film. I sincerely hope the audience enjoys it as much as we have,” she said.
The trailer of Madam Chief Minister will be released on Wednesday. To make the announcement, the makers have come up with a new poster which shows Chadha’s character interacting with common citizens. The empty throne in the background indicates her humble nature and indifference towards power.
Directed by Subhash Kapoor, Madam Chief Minister will be released on 22 January in theatres.