Casting director Mukesh Chhabra turned filmmaker last year with Dil Bechara, which starred the late Sushant Singh Rajput and Sanjana Sanghi. Despite the film not having a theatrical release, Chhabra believes that 2020 was a good year for Indian entertainment.
He said the heartwarming response he had received even though Dil Bechara was released online was overwhelming. "I was really worried and kept wondering before the release whether people would actually watch the film online. But honestly speaking, I could not be happier and more blessed with the response my directorial debut received."
Stating that the potential of online platforms is so vast that the industry hasn't explored it completely, the director said, "I feel, as an audience, it made us more accepting and, to some extent, fall in love with this medium [that allows for] viewing content from the comfort of our home any time we like.”
Chhabra added, "It has also opened opportunities for actors and filmmakers alike. Without the concept of a box office hit, producers are willing to take the risk of investing in seemingly new content. Actors are experimenting with roles and breaking stereotypes.”
Hailing the rise of online content as a boon for audiences, Chhabra said, "From a personal point of view, I have enjoyed so many series that I probably would have never had the time to watch on a busy workday. I have been able to identify and discover new talent through the content that I have been watching online."
Despite his shift to direction, Chhabra is set to spread the reach of his casting agency to more urban centres across India. "I have taken the initiative to open offices all over India. The online medium is perfect for my team and me to discover talent in every nook and corner, not only in India but all around the world. I have set up offices in Delhi, Lucknow and Chandigarh apart from my Mumbai office so actors don’t have to spend money on travel. They can sit at the comfort of their home and mail me their introduction and auditions. My team at the offices will help and guide actors about how to go about auditioning.”
The filmmaker said that while the industry is still in the recovery stage, the future looks promising. He said, "So much has changed in regard to the way we are going about our projects now. I am just glad that everything is almost if not entirely back on track right now. With the necessary SOP’s in place we have started shoot schedules too. I think it’s just a matter of time before we will be as good as normal. Till then we had better stay safe and keep everyone around us safe too.”