The sequel to the hit Tamil science-fiction film Indru Netru Naalai was launched with a pooja ceremony on Monday in Chennai. The sequel, which will be directed by Karthik Ponraj SP, will see the reunion of the lead actors from the first instalment, Vishnu Vishal and Karunakaran.
Thirukumaran Entertainment, which had backed the first part, will bankroll the sequel, its 25th overall production venture.
The rest of the cast of the time-travel comedy will be finalised soon.
Vishnu took to Twitter on Monday and wrote, “Travelling back in time. See you all in the future. Indru Netru Naalai. Movie pooja held today. Back with my buddies (sic).”
— VISHNU VISHAL - stay home stay safe (@TheVishnuVishal) January 18, 2021
movie pooja held today..
Back with my buddies @icvkumar #karunakaran
Script by @Ravikumar_Dir
Directed by @karthikPonrajSP
Music @GhibranOfficial
Need ur love and support as always:)
Ghibran has been roped in to compose the film's music while Ravikumar, who directed the first part, is responsible for the screenplay.
The project is expected to go on the floors in a few months.
Meanwhile, Vishnu is awaiting the release of Kaadan, a forest-based thriller which also stars Rana Daggubati. Directed by Prabhu Solomon, it will also be released in Hindi as Haathi Mere Saathi.
Talking about working with real elephants and overcoming his fear of nature, Vishnu had said in a media interaction: “I’m afraid of forests and nature. But the movie communicates an important message: love is universal.”
Vishnu also has Tamil film, FIR, ready for release.