Actor Vijay’s latest film, Master, has grossed over Rs52 crore in total on its opening day. Despite the COVID-19 restrictions, the film earned $1.42 million (Rs10.5 crore) in international markets alone, according to a report by Cinetrak, a box-office tracking portal.
Master review: Vijay shines in this entertaining albeit overlong star vehicle
In Tamil Nadu, where Vijay has a strong following, the film collected a whopping Rs25.4 crore on Day 1.
According to the report, in the international market, the best numbers have come from the Gulf region where the film collected $625,000 while it grossed over $224,000 and $200,000, respectively, in Singapore and Australia.
The first pan-India project of 2021, Master, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, was released in four languages across the country.
The film, which sees Vijay play a college professor with a violent past, also stars Vijay Sethupathi, Malavika Mohanan, Shanthanu Bhagyaraj and Andrea Jeremiah.
On Tuesday, a few scenes from the movie were leaked hours before its release. Apparently, the clips in question were recorded at a specially organized show for distributors of the movie.
As soon as news of the leak broke, the makers of the movie sprang into action. A distraught Lokesh took to Twitter and requested audiences not to watch and share the leaked clips.
He wrote, "Dear all. It's been a 1.5 year long struggle to bring Master to u. All we have is hope that you'll enjoy it in theatres. If u come across leaked clips from the movie, please don't share it. Thank u all. Love u all. One more day and #Master is all yours (sic)."
Dear all
— Lokesh Kanagaraj (@Dir_Lokesh) January 11, 2021
It's been a 1.5 year long struggle to bring Master to u. All we have is hope that you'll enjoy it in theatres. If u come across leaked clips from the movie, please don't share it 🙏🏻 Thank u all. Love u all. One more day and #Master is all yours.