Actor Rana Daggubati on Thursday took to Twitter to unveil the first look poster of the upcoming Telugu film Dear Megha starring Megha Akash. Going by the poster, the film appears to be an emotional love story.
Rana also released the motion poster of the project.
Thrilled to launch the official poster of this beautiful love story #DearMegha👌🏼#DearMeghaFirstLook
— Rana Daggubati (@RanaDaggubati) February 4, 2021
Watch Now: @akash_megha @AdithOfficial @ArjunSomayajula @arjundasyan @VCWOfficial @sushanth111 @iandrewdop @GowrahariK @SoaringElephant @GskMedia_PR
The film, which also stars Adith and Arjun Somayajulu, is being directed by Sushanth Reddy and produced by Vedaansh Creative Works.
The first look poster was also unveiled by actor Vijay Sethupathi and filmmaker Gautham Menon.
Dear Megha is on the verge of completion and post-production work will begin soon. The film is set to be released in the coming months.