The official Hindi adaptation of Paula Hawkins’s thriller novel The Girl On The Train sees Parineeti Chopra as Mira Kapoor, a lawyer with a dark past and a broken marriage who suffers from short-term amnesia. In the Netflix film, Mira, trying to overcome her loneliness, wonders about the seemingly perfect lives of a couple she sees on her daily commute from the train.
But when she is forced to enter their lives to find out more, Mira unknowingly gets involved in a serious crime, becoming the main suspect. The young woman has to piece together the truth to free herself.
Writer-director Ribhu Dasgupta said of the trailer launch that he was happy everyone would see a glimpse of the world the team has created. “The book enticed me tremendously, and I am excited to have the opportunity to bring this version of the story to screens around the world. This film has been a real ride of emotion and passion for me,” he said.
Chopra said the film was an entirely different experience as she had never played such a role before. “Getting into the character of Mira Kapoor and working closely with Ribhu to bring her to life was an immense learning experience for me. As an actor, I have always wanted to challenge myself with more, and this role gave me the opportunity to do so. The Girl On The Train will take the audiences on a dark journey trying to piece together the reality of who actually committed the crime and have them guessing the truth,” she stated.
The Girl On The Train, which also stars Kriti Kulhari, Aditi Roy Hydari, and Avinash Tiwary, is due to be released on 26 February.