The Tamil romantic comedy Oh My Kadavule (2020) will be remade in Hindi. The yet-untitled remake will be helmed by Ashwath Marimuthu who directed the original film, the makers announced on Tuesday. The Hindi adaption will be written and creatively produced by Oh My God! (2012) and 102 Not Out (2018) director Umesh Shukla.
While the original film starred Ashok Selvan and Ritika Singh, who appeared in Saala Khadoos (2016), the makers are yet to decide the cast for the Hindi remake.
Endemol Shine India, Umesh Shukla and Ashish Wagh of Merry Go Round Studios and Parag Desai of Mumbai Talkeez have acquired the remake rights for the Hindi adaption of the romantic comedy.
Abhishek Rege, CEO Endemol Shine India told the news agency PTI, "Oh My Kadavule is a story with a simple tale and a poignant message that any audience will relate to. We are sure that this is a narrative with wide appeal that everyone will identify with and definitely want to watch."
Oh My Kadavule is also being remade in Telugu and Kannada. The Telugu version, which was also helmed by Ashwath, was announced in the last week of December 2020. The Kannada version will be helmed by debutant director Nagendra Prasad.
The film revolves around two childhood friends, Anu (Singh) and Arjun (Selvan), who decide to get married but their marital life becomes complicated due to misunderstandings and miscommunication, which leads to a divorce.