Siddharth Chandekar will play a confused young man, Siddharth Sharangpani, in Krishna Kamble's directorial debut Befaam. Sharangpani is clueless about his career. He tries his hand at several things but he doesn't take to any field.
Finally, he lands a radio jockey job, which seems to suit his chirpy personality. There he meets Nandita (Sakhi Gokhale), his co-anchor and falls in love with her. But is she already betrothed? Will he confess his love? Does she also have feelings for him? All these questions will be answered only when the film is released in cinemas on 26 February.
This is the first collaboration between the lead pair, and it seems they have good chemistry.
Befaam is being produced by Amol Kagne's banner Amol Kagne Films.
Check out the trailer below and let us know if you are keen on watching the film.