The film earned about Rs4 crore on Saturday and Rs5.25 crore on Sunday, while Antim: The Final Truth collected only Rs5.25 crore over the two days.
Box office: Tadap earns Rs13 crore nett on first weekend, Antim slows down further
Mumbai - 06 Dec 2021 18:00 IST
Our Correspondent
Milan Luthria's Tadap (2021) continued to make steady progress through its first weekend, amassing a collection of Rs13.5 crore nett over its first three days.
The film added Rs9.25 crore over Saturday and Sunday to its Rs4 crore opening, according to the trade website
The film's collection of between Rs5 crore and Rs5.25 crore on Sunday is good for a film with new names in the lead. According to the website, the film's best collections have come from Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Bihar, while it is has faired poorly in Delhi, Kolkata, Punjab and Bangalore.
The Ahan Shetty-led remake of the Telugu hit RX 100 (2018) repeated its opening day earning of Rs4 crore nett on Saturday, followed by approximately Rs5.25 crore on Sunday.
Meanwhile, Antim: The Final Truth, Mahesh Manjrekar's remake of the Marathi hit Mulshi Pattern (2018), saw its collections dwindle to Rs5.25 crore in its second weekend. This is a sharp drop from its opening week collection of Rs28 crore. The film has now reached a total box-office collection of Rs33 crore and is expected to just about cover its production budget of Rs40 crore.