Actor Saif Ali Khan, who was shooting for the film Vikram Vedha in Lucknow, has recently wrapped up the film's shooting schedule. Reliance Entertainment shared a picture on social media where Khan is seen goofing off with film's directors Pushkar and Gayathri.
The movie, which also stars Hrithik Roshan and Radhika Apte, is a remake of the 2017 Tamil-language hit Vikram Vedha, which was also helmed by the director couple.
Produced by T-Series and Reliance Entertainment in association with Friday Filmworks and YNOT Studios, the thriller is slated to be released theatrically on 30 September 2022.
In its press release, Bhushan Kumar, chairman and managing director, T-Series, said, “The anticipation grows as the film shoot progresses. Hrithik and Saif on the big screen will be a sight to behold. This will undoubtedly be the most eagerly anticipated release of 2022.”
Producer Shibashish Sarkar is happy that the film is proceeding as scheduled and in accordance with all government protocols. "Each completed schedule is another significant milestone for the film. I'm really looking forward to the film getting into excellent shape as it proceeds and releasing it to viewers all over the world (sic).”
Meanwhile, Khan will also be seen opposite Prabhas in Om Raut's Adipurush (2022).