The Tamil film Tughlaq Durbar, one of three projects starring Vijay Sethupathi that will be released in September, looks like a hilarious political satire.
The trailer, which was released on Tuesday, introduces Vijay’s character as a person who is out to clean up the mess in modern-day politics. He plays the right-hand man to a leader who’s played by Parthiban.
The film looks like it will address the current state of politics in our country in a satirical tone. Vijay’s character is highly theatrical, ensuring that the film maintains a fun and light-hearted tone throughout.
Tughlaq Durbar, which has been directed by Delhiprasad Deenadayalan, will be premiered on Sun TV on 10 September. It will arrive on Netflix a day later.
Check out the trailer and let us know if you are keen on watching the film.