Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh have begun shooting for Karan Johar's next directorial venture, Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. Backed by Dharma Productions, the film marks Johar's return to the director's chair since Ae Dil Hai Mushkil (2016).
A short video released by the makers reveals the film's lead actors testing out their looks for Johar's story. While Bhatt wears traditional attire, in contrast to her recent appearances on screen, Singh plays to his strengths by donning designer wear, including a leopard print shirt.
The film will also feature a host of actors like Jaya Bachchan, Dharmendra and Shabana Azmi. Bengali actor Tota Roy Chowdhury is also expected to play a key role.
Designer Manish Malhotra, who seems to be tasked with the costumes, also makes an appearance in the short clip.
Johar also shared the post on his social media, writing, "The day is finally here & I have so many feelings going on in my head but what emerges at the top is – gratitude! As we begin our kahani ka first schedule, seeking all your pyaar & aashirvaad! (sic)"
The director had announced the film on Ranveer Singh's birthday on 6 July. The film is expected to be ready for a theatrical release in 2022.