The Tamil film, produced by actress Nayanthara and director Vignesh Shivn, recently won the Tiger Award at the International Film Festival of Rotterdam.
PS Vinothraj's Koozhangal to have North American premiere at Lincoln Center's New Directors New Films 2021
Mumbai - 03 Apr 2021 17:28 IST
Sonal Pandya
PS Vinothraj's Koozhangal (2021) is all set to have its North American premiere at the Lincoln Center's New Directors New Films 2021 from 28 April to 8 May through a mix of virtual and physical screenings.
Another day, another selection! This film has only been making us proud ❤️
— Rowdy Pictures Pvt Ltd (@Rowdy_Pictures) April 2, 2021
. @VigneshShivN #Nayanthara @PsVinothraj @thisisysr @filmbazaarindia @ParthiBDOP @thecutsmaker @AmudhavanKar @NDNF
The Tamil film, produced by actress Nayanthara and director Vignesh Shivn, recently won the Tiger Award at the International Film Festival of Rotterdam. According to the makers, the drama, set amidst harsh conditions, revolves around an alcoholic wife-beater who "embarks on a journey, dragging his young son along to fetch back his wife whom he had chased away”.
For the 50th edition this year, the festival's organizers will screen 27 features and 11 short films. In a press release, curator La Frances Hui said, “From intimate, personal tales to political, metaphysical, and spiritual inquiries, the films in the 50th edition of New Directors/New Films embody an inexhaustible curiosity and a fearless desire for adventure. They prove that cinema will continue to illuminate and inspire the way we live, and make art.”
Mani Kaul’s Duvidha (1973) will also be screened at the festival as part of its retrospective section alongside films like Chantal Akerman's Les Rendez-vous d’Anna (1978), Wim Wender's The Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick (1972) and Christopher Nolan's debut feature Following (1998).
Arun Karthick's Tamil feature Nasir (2020) was selected for last year's edition.
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