Directed by Sachin Pathak, the thriller web-series will be streamed on SonyLIV from 23 April.
Kathmandu Connection trailer: Mysterious trail from three cases leads back to the mountains of Nepal
Mumbai - 02 Apr 2021 16:37 IST
Shriram Iyengar
Three disparate cases, one common thread. Sachin Pathak's Kathmandu Connection looks like another gripping thriller designed to keep its audiences knotted. Led by Amit Sial, the series is set to be streamed on SonyLIV's OTT platform from 23 April.
The trailer is sharp and begins with the revelation of a thread common to the murder of a police officer, the abduction of a businessman and the stalking of a journalist. Sial plays the rough inspector dogged by controversy who is set the task of following the lead. The thread leads up to the mysterious and fashionable Sunny. Unknown, unseen, he seems to have masterminded these events for an unknown motive.
Aksha Pardasany plays reporter Shivani Bhatnagar, who has been the victim of stalking by Sunny. While she seems to be a victim, she is not helpless or an unwitting participant in this game. It falls to Sial whether he can gauge the nature of the players and the game involved.
The web-series does have a line-up of talented performers led by Sial. Pathak, who directed the SonyLIV original series, A Simple Murder (2020), and Rangbaaz (2018) for Zee5, helms this production.
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