The crossover between Hollywood and Indian cinema has been going on for a while. The latest to join the route is composer Evan Evans. The son of eight-time Grammy award winner Bill Evans, Evan will be composing the score for Nirmal Baby Varghese's upcoming Malayalam horror-thriller, Vazhiye (2020).
Vazhiye is going to be the first Malayalam movie to be made entirely in the found footage style of filming. The movie depicts the story of two YouTube vloggers, who decide to make a documentary about a mystery land and are confronted with havoc and hell they could have never expected.
Evan has scored for several Hollywood ventures like Never Surrender (2009), Hoboken Hollow (2005) and Jack Rio (2008) among others, as well as projects by directors like Spike Lee, Dennis Hopper and Mark Rydell.
Vazhiye is being produced by Baby Chaithanya, under the banner of Casablanca Film Factory. The film will see Jeffin Joseph, Aswathi Anil Kumar in the lead. The film has been in production for a while now.
Nirmal’s documentary film, Thariode will be released soon. He is also planning a cinematic remake of this documentary, titled Thariode: The Lost City. The director has previously revealed a list of major international actors, including Bill Hutchens, Luing Andrews, Alexx O’Nell, Courtney Sanello, Amelie Leroy, Brendan Byrne and Legendary actor Roger Ward, who will be starring in the film.