Actor and dancer Raghav Juyal, who is seen playing a negative role for the first time in Zee5's crime thriller web-series Abhay 2, has said he would use his own memories to evoke the right emotional responses for his character.
"I wouldn't share them publicly but they really helped me trigger the right emotions for the role," he said.
Juyal, who has acted in films such as ABCD 2 (2015) and Street Dancer 3 (2020) and made various dance show appearances, is playing a psychotic serial killer opposite series lead Kunal Kemmu.
Revealing the reason behind his decision to play such a role, Juyal said, "My character is completely different from me in real life and playing a character like this will definitely help me improve my craft. According to me, one learns a lot not just about the craft but also himself while acting, as we get to do a lot of things which we had never dreamt of doing. For example, the character that I play has had a different upbringing than me, so I had to keep a parallel thought process to understand his actions and reactions."
Abhay 2 also stars Asha Negi, Chunky Pandey, Ram Kapoor and Bidita Bag.
Zee5 has released five episodes of the series in two instalments, where the first three episodes were released on 14 August and two more episodes were released on 4 September. The streaming platform will release the remaining episodes on 29 September.