The Delhi high court on Thursday directed the Centre, the public broadcaster and an industry body to act on a petition filed by actress Rakul Preet Singh against ‘unsubstantiated’ media reports mentioning her in connection with the alleged drug angle in the Sushant Singh Rajput case.
Rakul Preet’s name has surfaced, along with the names of actress Sara Ali Khan and designer Simone Khambatta, in media reports on the investigation into the Rajput case in which the late actor's girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty has been arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB).
The legal news website shared the news on Twitter, stating that the high court had directed the Centre, the Prasar Bharati Corporation and the News Broadcasters Association to consider Rakul Preet’s petition as a representation to them and decide it expeditiously.
#Breaking : Delhi HC directs Centre, Prasar Bharati and News Broadcasters Association to consider @Rakulpreet 's petiton as a representation and decide it expeditiously, including any interim direction that ought to be made. #RakulPreet @prasarbharati
— Bar & Bench (@barandbench) September 17, 2020
According to the website, the actress has contended in her petition that media reports are being run in contravention of the guidelines set by the Union information and broadcasting ministry.
Delhi High Court issues notice in petiton by actor #RakulPreet against "unsubstantiated" media reports against her in connection with Rhea Chakraborty drug case.
— Bar & Bench (@barandbench) September 17, 2020
She argues that media reports are being run in contravention with I&B Ministry Guidelines. @Rakulpreet
Replying to the notice, the Centre argued that it could not 'pre-censor' news programmes and also pointed out that there had been no complaint from the actress under the Cable Television Act. Following this, the court ordered the Centre and the other respondents to the petition to treat it as a complaint and act upon it.
Centre submits that an order of pre-censorship against ought not to be passed and that there has been no complaint from her under the Cable TV Act. @Rakulpreet #RheaChakroborty
— Bar & Bench (@barandbench) September 17, 2020