The film marks documentary film producer Mansi Sengupta's entry into Marathi cinema.
Prakash Kunte announces his next film Colorphool, motion poster released
Mumbai - 27 Oct 2020 14:13 IST
Updated : 15:22 IST
Our Correspondent
Marathi filmmaker Prakash Kunte, known for his light-hearted dramas, has returned with another breezy crowd-pleaser, Colorphool.
The makers have shared the motion poster of the upcoming film, which shows a boy and girl sitting on a bench, on Facebook. The pink sky, the colourful flowers and romantic background music unequivocally point to a love story.
From his debut film Coffee Ani Barach Kahi (2015) to his last feature Cycle (2018), Kunte has always tried his hand at diverse genres. Interestingly, the director has also never repeated his cast.
Colorphool marks documentary film producer Maansi Sengupta's entry into Marathi cinema. The film has also been produced under the banner of Yantra Pictures. The film is slated to be released in 2021.
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