The trailer shows a child, Gour (Harshil Das), who is beguiled by the fantasy of rice-cake-bearing trees.
Doodhpither Gachh trailer: A tranquil tale set in rural Bengal
Kolkata - 19 Oct 2020 13:41 IST
Updated : 16:28 IST
Roushni Sarkar
The trailer of Ujjwal Basu’s upcoming film Doodhpither Gachh promises an engrossing story of a village boy called Gour. Featuring Daminee Benny Basu, Kaushik Roy, Shibani Maity, Harshil Das, Riya Das and Debangana Gon, Doodhpither Gachh has been crowdfunded by 930 residents of Aranghata village in West Bengal's Nadia district and close to two hundred cinema lovers.
The simplicity of rural life and childhood has been beautifully captured in the trailer, in which Joy Sarkar’s music plays a crucial role. His use of instruments has been meaningfully interspersed with silence, which is characteristic of rural life.
The trailer shows a child, Gour (Harshil), who is beguiled by the fantasy of rice-cake-bearing trees. When he asks his grandmother (Maity) whether there are rice cake trees in Kashi, the elderly woman stokes his imagination by referring to imaginary rice cake trees of various kinds.
Gour then secretly sows a rice cake hoping that it will grow into a tree. A beautiful visual of the dimly-lit village in the trailer emphasizes the child’s secret world. We then see the child’s family member desperately searching for him.
However, the dramatic turn of events doesn’t disrupt the tranquil mood of the trailer, established by its soothing visuals and depiction of rural Bengali folkways.
The Doodhpither Gachh trailer promises an ingenious story of dreams, away from the hustle and bustle of city life.
The film is slated to be released on 21 October.
Watch the trailer and let us know if you are keen on watching the film.
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