Directed by Gunveen Kaur and Robin Sikarvar, the legal drama stars Deeksha Joshi, Vivek Kumar and Priyanka Sharma.
Legal drama 376D to release on ShemarooMe Box Office on 9 October
Mumbai - 01 Oct 2020 16:45 IST
Updated : 19 Oct 2020 17:47 IST
Our Correspondent
376D, a legal drama that touches a sensitive issue of gang rape, is set to premiere on ShemarooMe Box Office on 9 October. The film, starring Deeksha Joshi, Vivek Kumar and Priyanka Sharma, tells a touching story that exposes a few glaring loopholes in the Indian judiciary.
376D, as the name suggests, is based on the very section from which the film gets its title. While the section deals with gang-rape, the film discusses sexual assault, but not in a way that viewers expect. It tells the story of two young men who face an uphill battle with the judiciary. Whether they get the justice they seek or not forms the crux of this courtroom drama.
The film is written and directed by Gunveen Kaur and Robin Sikarwar.
Interestingly the last year's release Section 375, also dealt with the topic of rape and also explored the legal loopholes of the aforementioned section. It will be interesting to see if this film also goes down the same route or explores other legal facets.
376D is produced by Faodail Pictures and Equinox Motion Pictures.
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Indian cinema ShemarooMe Box Office