Shooting for Zee5’s Sunflower began on Saturday with lead actor Sunil Grover. The web-series is co-directed by Rahul Sengupta and Vikas Bahl, who will also serve as the showrunner.
The crime-comedy, produced by Reliance Entertainment and Bahl's own Good Co, is set in a Mumbai’s middle-class housing society called Sunflower, where plenty of quirky characters coexist.
#Sunflower commences shoot today. @WhoSunilGrover to lead the unique situational crime-comedy web-series. Coming soon to #ZEE5 in April 2021.
— ZEE5Premium (@ZEE5Premium) November 7, 2020
Co-directed by #VikasBahl & #RahulSengupta 🎬@RelianceEnt @Shibasishsarkar
"The conceptualisation of the web-series is extremely top-notch,” Grover told the Press Trust of India (PTI) news agency. “Crime comedy is an exciting genre. The characters are the most interesting part of the narrative. The audience will relate to their stories for sure,” he said.
“As the name suggests, the roller-coaster ride will revolve around a housing society, Sunflower," he added.
Grover, last seen on the big screen with the Salman Khan-starrer Bharat (2019), just wrapped the comedy series Gangs of Filmistaan on Star Bharat. Sunflower, written by Bahl, is due to be premiered on Zee5 in April 2021.