Veteran actor Dharmendra has confirmed that a sequel to the hit film Apne (2007) is being made. Directed by Anil Sharma, the film featured Dharmendra and his sons Bobby and Sunny Deol. The sequel will go a step further and feature three generations of the Deol clan, with the newest addition, Sunny's son, Karan Deol being cast as well.
Announcing the project officially on Twitter, Dharmendra on Sunday wrote, "With his blessings and your good wishes, we have decided to give you Apne 2."
With his blessings 👋👋👋👋👋 your good wishes, we have decided to give you APNE2 💝🙏
— Dharmendra Deol (@aapkadharam) November 29, 2020
In a press note, the veteran actor said, "Apne is one of the best films of my life. A joint effort by the whole unit, received very well by you all. Now, I'm very happy because I will get to shoot Apne 2 with my entire family - my sons Sunny, Bobby, and my grandson Karan. It will be a very special film and I am looking forward to shoot (sic)."
The original film was centred on the estranged members of a family that unite through the sport of boxing. Sharma directed Dharmendra in films such as Hukumat (1987), Elaane-E-Jung (1989) and Farishtay (1991), before teaming up with Sunny for the blockbuster Gadar - Ek Prem Katha (2001). He also directed Bobby in Ab Tumhare Hawale Watan Saathiyo (2004). With Apne 2, he will have the rare distinction of having directed all three generations of the Deol family.
The last time Sunny, Bobby and Dharmendra were together in a film was in Yamla Pagla Deewana Phir Se (2018). Incidentally, Karan's debut film, Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas (2019), was directed by his father. Bobby was recently seen in the acclaimed Class of 83 on Netflix and Aashram on MX Player.