Chef Vikas Khanna's directorial debut, The Last Color, is set to be released in theatres on 11 December. Starring Neena Gupta, the film has been a festival favourite, having travelled to the New York Indian Film Festival (2019), Dallas International Film Festival and the Indian Film Festival of Stuttgart last year.
The film is set to release across India in PVR cinemas. Speaking of the announcement, Khanna said, "Proud and excited for the theatrical release of our beloved film The Last Color on December 11, 2020, across India."
In a statement released to the press, Khanna said, "Having travelled the whole world and taken the film onto the global stage, it indeed feels overwhelming to bring the film to its roots — India and have a theatrical release for audiences back home. This cinematic narrative is close to my heart and after years of passionate effort and perseverance, I am humbled to share it with you [sic]."
In 2019, speaking with, the director spoke about the inspiration for the film, saying, "It was in 2011 when I was shooting for my book on food in Vrindavan. As we finished the shoot and I was about to come out of the mandir, the guy with me said 'there's a lot of rush ahead so let's leave from behind. In those bylanes, I saw hundreds of widows standing on the side of the road, in balconies and terraces. The roads were coloured. We were totally drenched in colour. And they were in absolute white,"
The film was premiered at the Palm Springs International Festival in 2019, before travelling through several film festivals, including the MAMI Film Festival in Mumbai last year.