Actor and stand-up comedian Vir Das did 30 online shows during the lockdown, the proceeds of which were used for COVID-19 relief work. Das then selected the best moments from these shows and made a 50-minute compilation called Inside Out.
The video was premiered on his official website on 21 August. And now, Netflix will be showcasing it from 16 December.
Speaking about the project, Das said in an official statement, “I never planned to put another comedy special out this year. But since when does 2020 care about our plans? We started 2020 together on Netflix, let’s end this crazy year together too. The charity special was conceived and executed as an experiment. The response was humbling and overwhelming. The proceeds we raised were a testament to the fact that there’s enough kindness in the world for survival.”
Das believes people around the world can benefit from the show now that it will be on Netflix. “With the show now releasing worldwide, I hope that more and more people take in the learnings of this lockdown. In the face of a global tragedy, the all-encompassing human spirit binds us together. And that's what the special really spoke about,” he added.
The comedian said he was happy that Netflix would be bringing his work to people in more than 200 countries. "I am a Netflix guy and they loved the content, which is so assuring for me as a content creator. Their support has always been there and that has truly given me the confidence to go out there and do better work,” he said.