After the multi-starrer Ludo (2020), which was released on the Diwali weekend, actress Sanya Malhotra's association with Netflix will continue with her upcoming romantic comedy, Meenakshi Sundareshwar. The film, helmed by Vivek Soni, who makes his feature directorial debut, will see Abhimanyu Dassani and Malhotra in the lead. The film also marks the digital debut of Dassani, who made his acting debut with Vasan Bala''s critically acclaimed action comedy Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota (2019).
Sharing the first look on Instagram, Malhotra wrote, "You are cordially invited to Meenakshi and Sundareshwar's wedding. Send gifts and long-distance relationship tips!"
The first look, unveiled today, sees Malhotra as a Tamil bride in her Kanjeevaram saree and gold jewellery and Dassani as a groom in traditional attire. Set in Madurai, Meenakshi Sundareshwar narrates the story of a young couple and how they deal with the trials and tribulations of life.
The official synopsis of the movie reads, 'What’s in a name? A lot, as Meenakshi and Sundareshwar would express in their upcoming Netflix film, Meenakshi Sundareshwar.'
Vivek Soni had earlier made a short film Bawdi (2012). He has co-written this film with Aarsh Vora.
In Anurag Basu's multi-starrer crime comedy film Ludo, Malhotra played a young woman who is days away from a dream wedding when a sex tape from her past suddenly emerges. Malhotra was paired with Aditya Roy Kapur in the film.
Malhotra has two other films coming up soon, Pagglait (2020) and Love Hostel (2021).
Meenakshi Sundareshwar is backed by filmmaker Karan Johar''s Dharmatic Entertainment. The release date of the film is yet to be announced.