Comedienne Bharti Singh and her husband Haarsh Limbachiyaa, who were arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Saturday following the recovery of cannabis from their residence and office in Andheri, Mumbai, have been granted bail in the drug case by a magistrate's court. In its raid, the agency had recovered 86.5 grams of cannabis from both places.
The couple was produced before the court on Sunday after which they were remanded in judicial custody till 4 December. Soon after the court order, the couple filed bail pleas via advocate Ayaz Khan.
The arrests are part of the NCB’s ongoing probe into alleged drug use in the entertainment industry — an issue that came to the fore following the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput on June 14 — and come on the heels of the questioning of actor Arjun Rampal and his girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades earlier this month.
The NCB has questioned several prominent figures in the film industry, including actress Deepika Padukone and her manager, and actresses Shraddha Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan. So far, however, the agency has only recovered tiny quantities of mild drugs in the course of its investigation.
Singh has appeared in a number of comedy and reality shows and also hosted few shows on television along with her husband, who is a screenwriter.