Filmmaker Kunal Kohli, who has been out of circulation for a long while, is now all set to take his first step into the digital world with the web-series Naxal. Produced by Arjun Singhh Baran and Kartik Nishandar of GSEAMS, the series will star popular television actor Rajeev Khandelwal in the lead role.
Baran and Nishandar have made quite a few Marathi films in the last few years, including the successful Mogra Phulaalaa (2019) starring Swwapnil Joshi in the lead. This is their first Hindi project as well as their first web-series. The series will be streamed on Zee5. Although nothing is known about the subject yet, the title indicates that it likely has something to do with Naxalites.
Kohli’s last released film was Teri Meri Kahani (2012), starring Shahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra. His last film Phir Se (2015), which saw him make his acting debut. The film, which also starred Jennifer Winget, was released directly on DVD. In other words, no project of his has seen the light of day in the last eight years. Kohli is also currently making a film on the Indian epic Ramayana, titled Ram Yug.
Khandelwal was last seen in the web-series Marzi this year.
Speaking about the project, Singhh and Nishandar said in an official statement, “We are happy to venture into the web-series world of Hindi television. We are fortunate to have Kunal Kohli, one of the most successful directors from Bollywood to lead it and Rajeev Khandelwal in lead actor role. Tarun Katial, CEO, Zee5 has been a great support while producing the show. We are sure the web-series will set a different benchmark in this genre of entertainment.”