After opening to a low number of Rs2.75 crore nett, Anubhav Sinha’s Thappad improved its prospects at the box office over the next two days of the weekend, and finished the first three days with a decent total of Rs13.75 crore nett.
It was crucial for the Taapsee Pannu-starrer to pass the Monday test with flying colours. It did not manage to do that, but at the same time it hasn’t failed either. The film made Rs2 crore nett yesterday on its first Monday, as per figures shared by
The Monday figure has seen a 30% drop from its collections on the opening day. Right now, we can only say that Thappad had a decent hold on Monday.
As per our trade sources, Thappad was made at a moderate budget of Rs20-25 crore. The grand total of the film currently stands at Rs15.75 crore nett. Hence, it is necessary for the film to continue the hold till Thursday.
What works against Thappad is that the Tiger Shroff-starrer, Baaghi 3, is releasing on Friday, 6 March. The buzz accompanying the film, along with Shroff’s huge fan following, will leave Thappad with hardly any chance to make amends during its second weekend.