Actor Nitish Bhardwaj made his directorial debut with the criticially acclaimed Marathi film Pitruroon (2013). Now, seven years later, he is all set to don the director’s hat again, but in Hindi.
Bhardwaj disclosed this during an exclusive conversation with for his first web-series Samantar. “After Pitruroon, I have written a few screenplays for Hindi features and have locked two. I should be casting for one of them soon and direct,” he said.
In Samantar, he plays a mysterious character called Sudarshan Chakrapani. Directed by Satish Rajwade, the show, which began streaming on MX Player last Friday, sees him pitted against Swwapnil Joshi.
When asked about his other acting assignments, Bhardwaj said, “[I am] reading a few scripts of web-series and films. [I] haven’t decided which one to take up.”
The actor also has been busy since the last few years with his Hindi play Chakravyuh where he reprised his role as Krishna from the classic television serial Mahabharat by BR Chopra. “I am progressing towards the 100th show of my Hindi theatre play Chakravyuh,” Bhardwaj added.
Pitruroon starred Sachin Khedekar, Tanuja, Suhas Joshi, Poorvi Bhave and Omkar Kulkarni. It was the first time that Khedekar was seen in a double role.