After the release dates of Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar and Sooryavanshi, both scheduled for this month, have been delayed, it is now the turn of films scheduled to be released in early April, to announce their delays as well. Eros Now officially announced that their upcoming trilingual Haathi Mere Saathi has been indefinitely postponed as well. The film, directed by Prabhu Solomon, was also due to be released in Telugu as Aranya, and in Tamil as Kaadan, on 2 April.
The studio began their statement by saying their priority has always been the interest of their audience. “Healthy and happy audiences have always kept us motivated to produce and distribute unique stories that have never been told before. In light of recent developments of COVID19 Coronavirus, our recent announcement regarding the scheduled release of Haathi Mere Saathi, Aranya and Kaadan stands changed,” they wrote.
Because health and safety comes above everything!🙏🏻
— Eros Now (@ErosNow) March 16, 2020
Hope to see you guys soon at the theatres. Till then, stay safe! #HaathiMereSaathi #Aranya #Kaadan #ErosNow @RanaDaggubati #PrabuSolomon @TheVishnuVishal @PulkitSamrat @ShriyaP @zyhssn @ErosIntlPlc #SaveTheElephant🐘#Haathi
“In solidarity with our partners, exhibitors, distributors, and audiences, we pray for health and happiness of all and as we are monitoring the situation, we do hope that we come back with a new release date soon. Stay healthy, safe and blessed,” the statement continued.
Starring Rana Daggubati, Pulkit Samrat, Zoya Hussain, and Shriya Pilgaonkar, Haathi Mere Saathi features the Telugu star as a friend of the elephants, who comes to their rescue when their habitat is encroached upon by humans.
The film, which has been in production since 2018, has been shot extensively in Thailand and Kerala.