Actor Vivek Anand Oberoi became the latest Hindi film actor to turn producer following the announcement of Iti, to be made under his banner Oberoi Mega Entertainment along with Mandiraa Entertainment. The film will be directed by Vishal Mishra, who had earlier helmed films like Coffee With D (2017), Hotel Milan (2018) and Marudhar Express (2019).
The film, whose cast and other details are still under wraps, will go on floors this year in October.
Oberoi shared the news and the poster of the film on Twitter. He wrote, “Excited to announce our first film - Iti. Produced by Mandiraa Entertainment and my home production Oberoi Mega Ent. A high concept thriller directed by the talented Vishal Mishra. To go on floors by October '20. #PrernaVArora.” Heartfelt thank you to each one of you for all your love and support.”
Excited to announce our 1st film- #Iti
— Vivek Anand Oberoi (@vivekoberoi) June 30, 2020
Produced by @mandiraa_ent & my home production Oberoi Mega Ent. A high concept thriller directed by the talented @mishravishal. To go on floors by Oct'20🤞#PrernaVArora
Heartfelt thank you to each one of you for all your love & support 🙏
Interestingly, Oberoi mentioned the name of producer Prerna V Arora in his tweet in hashtag but the name can't be found on the film's poster.
The film has an interesting tagline – Can you solve your own murder? This throws up various possibilities like the victim’s soul takes revenge or the victim takes rebirth. Or, in an extreme case, it can be that the person is only perceived to be dead by the world, but is actually alive. Right now, one can only guess.
Oberoi's last outing as an actor was in the film PM Narendra Modi (2019).