Actress Niharika Konidela, who has worked in Telugu films such as Oka Manasu (2016) and Happy Wedding (2018), shared two posts with pictures of her boyfriend, Chaitanya Jonnalagadda, the son of Guntur's inspector general of police, J Prabhakar Rao. on her Instagram page.
Talking to The Times of India, Niharika said: “Yes, I have found the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. We are not engaged officially yet and my social media post was to just officially announce that I’m taken. Naturally, I’m thrilled right now.”
Apparently, the couple will get engaged in August. However, the actress, sister of actor Varun Tej, has not officially revealed any information on her engagement. “I can’t reveal much right now, but I hope this is the start of a wonderful new journey. This has been the only silver lining during these tough times,” she added. Reports revealed that the wedding will take place later this year.
Chaitanya is an alumuni of BITS Pilani and the Indian School of Business (ISB), and works as a business strategist in a leading MNC in Hyderabad, say reports.
Niharika recently ventured into production with a web-series, however, no details have been officially announced.