The ongoing civil war in the Hindi film industry is only escalating with every passing day. After Abhinav Kashyap levelled serious allegations about the manipulation of strugglers in the industry, a lot more actors have come forward to share their own experience of the film industry. Raveena Tandon and Vivek Oberoi were among the many who have now spoken up about an existing discrimination in the industry that affected them.
Writing on his visit to Sushant Singh Rajput's funeral yesterday, Vivek Oberoi said, "I truly wish I could have shared my personal experience and helped him ease his pain. I’ve been through my own journey of pain, it can be very dark and lonely. But death is never the answer, suicide can never be a solution. I wish he stopped to think of his family, friends and the millions of fans who are feeling this tragic loss today...he would have realised how much people CARE!"
#RIPSushantSinghRajput 🙏
— Vivek Anand Oberoi (@vivekoberoi) June 15, 2020
The actor added that he himself went through similar circumstances, and hoped the industry truly became a family. "I hope our industry that calls itself a family, does some serious introspection, we need to change for the better, we need to b***h less and care more, less power play and more grace and large heartedness, less ego trips and more acknowledgement for deserving talents, this family needs to truly become a family," Oberoi wrote.
Similarly, Raveena Tandon also wrote about a form of group bullying among actresses in the past. Writing on Twitter, Tandon's post read, "Mean girl gang of the industry. Camps do exist. Made fun of, been removed from films by heroes, their girlfriends, journo chamchas & their career-destroying fake media stories. Sometimes careers are destroyed.You struggle to keep afloat. fight back some survive Some Don't."
“mean girl”gang of the industry.Camps do exist.Made fun of,bn removed from films by Heroes,their girlfriends,Journo chamchas&their career destroying fake media stories.Sometimes careers are destroyed.U struggle to keep afloat.fight backSome survive Some Dont.#oldwoundsrevisited
— Raveena Tandon (@TandonRaveena) June 15, 2020
The actress also added that speaking against such groups resulted in people being called ''mad, psychotic'' and added that the ''dirty politics'' played by some had left a bad taste.
When you speak the truth,you are branded a liar,Mad,psychotic. Chamcha journos write pages&pages destroying all the hard work that you might have done.Even though born in the industry, grateful for all it has given me,but dirty politics played by some can leave a sour taste .
— Raveena Tandon (@TandonRaveena) June 15, 2020
While he has not been a part of mainstream cinema for a while, actor Prakash Raj also condoled the loss of Sushant Singh Rajput remarking on the damage caused by ''nepotism''. Sharing an old video of Sushant Singh Rajput speaking on the same issue, Raj wrote, "I have lived through this .. I have survived ... my wounds are deeper than my flesh ..but this child Sushant Singh Rajput couldn’t.. will WE learn"
#nepotism I have lived through this .. I have survived ... my wounds are deeper than my flesh ..but this child #SushanthSinghRajput couldn’t.. will WE learn .. will WE really stand up and not let such dreams die .. #justasking
— Prakash Raj (@prakashraaj) June 15, 2020