Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Bajirao Mastani (2015) is now all set to be adapted into a musical play. According to a report that appeared in the daily Mumbai Mirror, actor Rajniesh Duggal will be playing Bajirao in the musical, a role which was played by Ranveer Singh in the movie. Kathak exponent Pandit Birju Maharaj is attached as the creative director of the musical, which will be directed by Maitreyee Pahari.
Deepika Padukone's Mastani and Priyanka Chopra Jonas's Kashibai will be played by Kathak dancers Shailja Nalwade and Anusua Majumdar respectively.
Singh had received a lot of praise for his act as Bajirao. Speaking about the comparisons, Duggal said, “Ranveer as Bajirao set a benchmark, but since this is a live performance, it will have its own flavour.”
Pandit Birju Maharaj has been training Duggal in the dance form called Chhau. “I have eight days of practice remaining. I was a non-dancer, but naach-gaana [song and dance] came naturally to me once I started rehearsing. There are two major fights too, which will be a mix of Chhau and sword-fighting,” he added.
The report also mentions that the play was to open in April but has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Duggal also informed that the team has planned different versions for different cities. For example, the performance in Delhi will not have too many Marathi dialogues.
Duggal was last seen in the Hindi film Mushkil: Fear Behind You (2019).