The actress said that people could get away after being cruel to an animal by paying a paltry fine of Rs50 under the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals Act, 1960.
Anushka Sharma calls for stricter laws against animal cruelty
Mumbai - 13 Jun 2020 14:30 IST
Our Correspondent
The ongoing lockdown because of the COVID-19 spread has seen a number of disturbing incidents of cruelty against animals. The one which trended for a good number of days was from Kerala, where a pregnant elephant was made to eat a pineapple embedded with firecrackers resulting in its death.
Actress Anushka Sharma has appealed for stricter laws against animal cruelty. She has highlighted the fact that as per the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals Act, 1960, offenders can pay a paltry fine of Rs50 and get away.
“Right now you can get away after being cruel to an animal by paying Rs50 – you pay and you are out! There have to be stricter laws and people have to understand the importance of this only then will we move towards being a civilised planet. I really wish we had stricter laws against animal cruelty and they were exercised and executed in a way that there is fear in people. They shouldn’t be able to think that they can do something like this so easily and can get away with it by paying a small fine,” said Sharma in an official statement.
Sharing her reaction at the news of the pregnant elephant, the actress said, “I was absolutely appalled and aghast at what happened when I read the news. I couldn’t understand how such a cruel act could have been carried out. I have always been a spokesperson for the voiceless, for me not only am I companionate about animals, but I also understand how important it is for us to live in better synergy with nature.”
Sharma said that apart from stricter laws, there needs to be proper education in this regard. “People need to understand and take responsibility on an individual level also,” she said. “Educating people to be compassionate is very important as they will translate that to their children, families and communities. I see kids throwing a stone at a stray dog, that is how it’s starts.”
The Supreme Court of India has repeated urged the government to amend the act. In 2018, there were reports about the central government thinking of increasing the fine from Rs50 to Rs6,000 but nothing came of it.
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