Actor Taher Shabbir is all set to join the cast of Iti (2020), a thriller produced by Vivek Oberoi's banner, Oberoi Mega Entertainment and Mandiraa Entertainment. Oberoi himself and first-timer Rajeev Sen, brother of Sushmita Sen, have already been cast in the film.
Oberoi announced the third character in the movie with a new poster that he shared on Twitter.
Glad to bring @taher07 as a new addition to our cast, to play #PratyushParashar in #Iti : #CanYouSolveYourOwnMurder. Check out new poster!@ItiTheFilm is directed by @mishravishal and produced by @mandiraa_ent & Oberoi Mega Ent.@girishjohar #PrernaVArora @IKussum #TaherShabbir
— Vivek Anand Oberoi (@vivekoberoi) July 27, 2020
Shabbir, who has acted in films like Naam Shabana (2017) and Guilty (2020), will play a character called Pratyush Parashar in the movie.
"Being part of a mystery thriller has always been one of my dreams. I'm so glad that this early in my career, I get to play such an interesting character in a concept-driven, unique thriller. For this, I'm grateful to Mandiraa Entertainment, Vivek Anand Oberoi, Prerna V Arora, Oberoi Mega Entertainment, and Vishal Mishraji. Being a part of this talented team makes this opportunity all the more special and I'm sure this movie is going to be a game changer," the actor said.
The plot of Iti revolves around a woman who is racing against time to solve her own murder. Directed by Vishal Mishra, the film is scheduled to go on floors this October.