Aftab Shivdasani and wife Nin Shivdasani, who launched their own production house, Mount Zen Media last week, have now announced the first film from their banner titled Dhundh. The actor shared the news on Twitter along with a poster from the film, a psychological horror drama. Shivdasani is planning to begin the shoot by October.
Speaking about the film, the actor-producer told the English daily, Mid-Day, "Dhundh is not a conventional horror film. It is an intelligently crafted story that will play mind-games with the viewer." Shivdasani also revealed his plans to shoot the film abroad. "We are currently looking at possible locations and the process may take longer than usual as there is so much uncertainty around the world," he said.
Dhundh will be co-produced by Prerna V Arora of Mandiraa Entertainment, who is also collaborating with Vivek Oberoi, who recently turned producer, on Iti (2020) and Rosie: The Saffron Chapter (2020).
Interestingly all three films are scheduled to go on floors in the month of October. Currently, Dhundh is in pre-production and the makers will soon announce the cast of the film.