The first look of the short film Kashmiriyat (2020), starring Zarina Wahab, was recently shared on Twitter by Taran Adarsh, followed by a teaser for the film on YouTube. Produced by Ashutosh Pandit, the film has been written and directed by Divyansh Pandit.
The poster for the film features an apprehensive-looking Wahab standing against the backdrop of a map of the erstwhile state of Jammu & Kashmir. The state was divided last year in August into the Union territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh.
FIRST LOOK... Divyansh Pandit’s next short film #Kashmiriyat - starring #ZarinaWahab - to release on 12 Aug 2020 on #YouTube... Produced by Ashutosh Pandit... Wild Buffaloes Entertainment presentation... Poster...
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) July 21, 2020
The teaser begins by cataloging some crucial dates. The first is 9/11 New York. The teaser points out that there has been no terrorist attack on the city since.
Next comes 26/11 Mumbai. The teaser notes that the city bounced back after the gruesome terrorist strike.
Finally comes 22 October 1947, the date when armed Pashtun tribesmen from Pakistan invaded the then independent kingdom of Jammu & Kashmir, officially setting off the Kashmir dispute, and notes that the region continues to bleed even today.
These are followed by a close-up of a time bomb with the name of the film on it. It seems evident that the film will address the continuing fight over Jammu & Kashmir and its impact on the people.
Watch the teaser for Kashmiriyat below: