The actor, his wife and their daughter are all mildly symptomatic and have quarantined themselves at home.
Coronavirus update: Actor Surajit Bandyopadhyay tests positive for COVID-19
Kolkata - 22 Jul 2020 19:00 IST
Roushni Sarkar
Actor Surajit Bandopadhyay, known for his work in the folk theatre Jatra, Bengali theatre, television and films, has tested positive for COVID-19.
The actor was shooting for the television series Kora Pakhi when he started feeling feverish. When his family members also began to report high temperature, all of them got tested.
The actor, his wife Anindita and daughter Debopriya, all of whom are mildly symptomatic, got themselves tested in a private clinic and have quarantined themselves at home.
Speaking to The Times of India newspaper, Bandopadhyay said, “My wife is running a temperature of 101° and has a sore throat. My temperature is around 100°. We didn’t want to take a chance and went for the test. We will be in home quarantine till we recover. The entire fraternity, both from television and theatre, came forward to help us.”
The Artists Forum and Bandopadhyay's fellow artistes are in regular touch with him.
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