After successful web shows like Broken, The Verdict and Baarish, Zee5, and Alt Balaji have collaborated on yet another web-series, titled Bebaakee. The show revolves around a love triangle between Sufiyaan Abdullah, Kainaat Sahni, and Imtiyaz Alkazi played respectively by Kushal Tandon, Shivjyoti Rajput, and Karan Jotwani.
The newly-released teaser of the series shows the three characters going through various ups and downs and getting into heated arguments. It is also clear that the show is an intense romantic drama. The production design looks rich and the outdoor locations, especially the snowy mountains, add to the show's intense romantic feel.
The show also features Pratik Sehajpal, Ishaan Dhawan, Krutika Desai, Suchitra Pillai, Ananya Khare, Mohit Chauhan, Sameer Malhotra, and Indraneel Bhattacharya.
Bebaakee, scheduled to release in August, is Tandon's second web-series with Alt Balaji after Hum: I'm Because of Us (2018).
Watch the teaser below: