Actor Subhro Das, who made his debut in a crucial role in Ranjan Ghosh’s Ahaa Re (2019), will be seen as Bimalendu in Subhrajit Mitra’s upcoming feature Avijatrik: The Wanderlust of Apu (2020). Avijatrik takes off where Satyajit Ray’s Apur Sansar (1959) ended and focuses on the journey of father Apu and his son Kajol. Arjun Chakraborty will be seen playing Apu in the film, which is presented by Madhur Bhandarkar.
Das plays Bimalendu, the younger brother of Leela (Arpita Chatterjee), a long-lost friend of Apu in the film. Coming from a zamindar family, Bimalendu is a final year student leader from a prestigious university in the film, set in the pre-Independence era. He has dedicated his life on serving the country, instead of leading a privileged life.
Newcomer Das had a refreshing experience, while working with the director. ‘The experience of working with an upcoming diligent actor was something new for me. I wish him and the whole team good luck for the beautiful journey ahead. Post shoot turned out to be more fun and frolic," the actor stated.
Das played the important character of Vasundhara’s (Rituparna Sengupta) brother in Ghosh’s Ahaa Re. He had a crucial role to play in his sister’s life when she struggles to accept her emotions for Faraz Chowdhury (Arifin Shuvoo), who falls in love with her.
He not only supports his sister to get over the emotional burden from the past but also works as a bridge between the two, falling in love with each other. Das put up a natural yet memorable act alongside Sengupta, in depicting the bond with his sister.
Avijatrik is slated to release early this year.