The film has been produced by Amol and Laxman Kagne under their banner Amol Kagne Films. This is the second joint venture of Amol Kagne and National award-winning director Shivaji Lotan Patil after Halal (2017).
Amol Kagne shares latest poster of his upcoming production Vajvuya Band Baja
Mumbai - 03 Jan 2020 18:37 IST
Suyog Zore
National award-winning director Shivaji Lotan Patil is known for making films on serious issues, but going by the latest poster the director may just have chosen a light hearted comedy for his next directorial venture.
The poster features an ensemble cast of Sameer Dharmadhikari, Mangesh Desai, Pritam Kagne and Chinmay Udgirkar with wedding decorations in the background.
Like the previous poster of the film, the latest poster is also very colourful. It is said that the film will tell the story of three brothers who are eager to get married.
This is the fourth production of Amol Kagne Films after Halal (2017), Lathe Joshi (2018) and Perfume (2019). The company had produced Shivaji Patil's Halal (2017) which shed light on the issue of triple talaaq, which has since been criminalized by an act of Parliament in 2019.
It will be interesting to see how Shivaji Patil, who is known for making serious films, will handle a light-hearted comedy. Vajvuya Band Baja is slated for release on 20 March 2020.