The trailer of Sudeshna Roy and Abhijit Guha’s upcoming film Sraboner Dhara (2020) offers glimpses of a story, which has an aged patient of Alzheimer's disease at the centre. Veteran actor Soumitra Chatterjee plays the role, while Gargee Roy Choudhury seems to enact his wife on screen. The film also features Parambrata Chatterjee as a neurosurgeon and Basab Dutta Chatterjee as his wife.
In the film, as Soumitra’s character begins to suffer from Alzheimer's disease, Roy Choudhury comes to seek help from Dr. Nilabha (Parambrata), who clearly suggests her that there is no such specific treatment for the disease and advises her to spend most of the time with him. However, as Nilabha conducts more sessions with him, he begins to get involved in Soumitra’s life and his relationship with his wife is affected as well.
In the trailer, parallelly we see Dr. Nilabha’s wife complaining to him for about their not-so-happy marital life. It is also evident from the glimpses that their relationship reaches a level wherein they file for divorce too. However, their innocent daughter wants them to be together and while filing for divorce, her security becomes a matter of concern for them.
The trailer is replete with visuals of the characters fighting their emotional struggles. While Roy Choudhury continues to fight for her husband’s improvements, sometimes she feels miserably hopeless, when her husband refuses to recognize her, or perhaps, recognizes her as someone else. Nilabha, on the other hand, cannot really explain to his wife about his inner turmoil and hence, in a scene, he is seen to be completely breaking down, while fighting his own struggles.
The trailer suggests that the narrative of the film connects all the characters through each others’ emotional struggles and perhaps, one’s story serves as the mirror for the other.
Sraboner Dhara is slated for release on 7 February. Watch the trailer below and let us know if you are keen to watch the film.