On Saturday, 11 January, the makers of director Kabir Khan’s 83 (2020) shared the logo of the film and the first poster of Tahir Raj Bhasin who plays the legendary Sunil Gawaskar in the film. The next posters of the film sees actor Jiiva play team India’s opener Krishnamachari Srikkanth and Saqib Saleem play the all-rounder Mohinder Amarnath.
While sharing the poster of Jiiva yesterday, the post on the film's Facebook page said, “Chika was THE MAN of the hour! After all, his strokes and swipes made us win! We call him the Indiana Jones of Indian cricket. Presenting the next devil.”
Jiiva is seen playing an aggressive shot on the off side of the field, which was something Srikkanth loved. Along with getting the body language of the former India opener, one can also notice the expression on the face of the actor which adds to the believability factor.
Jiiva is known for his work in Tamil movies for nearly 20 years. He was last year seen in films like Kee (2018) and Gorilla (2018). 83 is his Hindi film debut.
Fondly known as K Srikkanth, the batsman was known for playing aggressive shots early in the innings as an opener. He is one of the first few bastmen in the world to have started this practice, which wasn’t in vogue then. He played 46 test matches and 146 one-day internationals for India. He played a good role in the 1983 World Cup as well.
Amarnath was the man of the match in the all-important final of the 1983 World Cup against the West Indies at Lord's cricket ground. "He's the devil who drove us to victory. Meet Jimpa, the comeback king, Mohinder “Jimmy” Amarnath!" said the Facebook post in which Saleem's poster as Amarnath was shared.
Son of another iconic cricketer Lala Amarnath, Mohinder Amarnath was an all-rounder who performed well in both forms of the games. He played 69 test matches and 85 one-day internationals. He was a rare cricketer to have an international career spanning two decades from 1969 to 1989.
Saqib Saleem didn't have any film release last year. His last appearance on the big screen was in the Salman Khan-starrer Race 3 (2018).
83 is based on team India’s surprising triumph at the 1983 Cricket World Cup that took place in that year in England. The film sees Ranveer Singh play the lead character of India’s captain and all-rounder Kapil Dev.