Singer Somlata Acharyya Chowdhury, who has sung a song in Prosenjit Choudhuri’s upcoming film Din Ratrir Golpo, said that when she first heard the number, she found it to be quite eerie and a challenge to sing. “I tried to do some homework to prepare for it. All of us have worked towards making a good creation. I am hopeful that more people will listen to the songs as the film has been praised at various film festivals” she added.
The song, which has been composed by Shantanu Dutta, was added later to the film, which features Rajatava Dutta, Pradip Mukherjee, Rumki Chatterjee, Supriti Choudhury, Debesh Roy Choudhury and Rayati Bhattacharya.
“We know that the cast and the crew spend a lot of time together during the making of a film. But for a vocalist, it is a single day's work," said the singer, who is known for her diverse range. “This is my first work with the entire team. It is an honour for me that they thought of me for the song,'' she added.
The singer is reported to be selective about the songs she chooses to sings in films. “I think it is true to some extent. I believe every human has certain limitations. Similarly, I have some strengths and weaknesses as a vocalist. I do not agree to sing those songs to which I think I cannot do justice,” she clarified.
Din Ratrir Golpo is due for release on 28th February.