In recent times, actress Janhvi Kapoor has come in for her fair share of criticism from the media, as well as on social media platforms, for being a star kid. However, all that is set to change now, according to director Hardik Mehta. He is confident that once audience watches her performance in his upcoming horror-comedy Roohi Afzana (2020), they will be bowled over.
While speaking about his upcoming film Kaamyaab (2020), Mehta said, "She is very good. Wait and watch. She is going to surprise everybody. Roohi Afzana will really change people’s perception about Janhvi. A lot of times, she has had to face people’s comments about her being a star kid. But she has proved herself in Roohi Afzana.”
Roohi Afzana also stars Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma, aka Choocha, from the Fukrey series. Mehta said the tuning beween his cast members also played a major reason in Roohi Afzana shaping up so well.
“There is a lot of comedy. Mrigdeep Lamba and Gautam Mehra, who have written the film, are very fond of comedy and they write it so well. Rajkummar and Varun’s [comic] timing is so impressive when it comes to dialogues and comedy. Their looks are also fascinating,” he said.
Roohi Afzana will be Kapoor’s second film after her launch Dhadak (2018), which was produced by Dharma Productions. The film was the official remake of the Marathi blockbuster Sairat (2016).