After earning Rs25.25 crore during the first weekend, Imtiaz Ali's Love Aaj Kal, starring Kartik Aryan and Sara Ali Khan, needed to earn a decent number to sustain at the box office. However, according to, the film faced a huge drop in collections. It only managed to put up a Rs2crore nett, which is an extremely poor show for such a well-marketed film.
Considering that the film has been rejected by the audience, it will be difficult for it to go past Rs35 crore at the box office. This is bad news for the producers of Love Aaj Kal, as our trade sources have pegged the film's budget at 50 crore.
Last week's release, Malang, has extended its run at the box office mainly due to the poor performance of Love Aaj Kal. Mohit Suri's revenge thriller, starring Disha Patani and Aditya Roy Kapoor, collected Rs7.75 crore nett in its second weekend and Rs1.50 crore nett on its second Monday. Its total collection now stands at Rs47.5 crore nett. Going by the trend, a collection of Rs50 crore seems well within reach.
Despite facing new releases every week, Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior is heading for a sixth week of Rs4.75-5 crore, with the sixth Monday drawing collections of Rs50 lakh nett. The total collections of the film now stand at almost Rs263.50 crore nett and it should reach Rs265 crore nett by the end of the week.